FAMLI Leave Program - Editorial by Greg Bush

Paycheck Deduction: Are all of you ready for the new paycheck deduction starting January 2023? Thank you Democrats for pushing a FAMLI leave program, which all of us will pay for and very few will use. Yes, the employee not the employer will be paying for this. This will be another program bloated with fraud and of course Government over-sight Government program.

Oh, by the way did you get your check from Mr. Polis?

Well, he had to give us our money back because of TABOR which was put in place by Republicans. Very crafty use of Republican legislation and our tax refund to get free publicity and may I say campaign funding. Shouldn't Mr. Polis have to claim that as a political contribution. The letter could have been formed so that he did not get any credit especially since they timed the checks to come out during the 2 weeks before the election. Which isn't he a candidate? Very sneaky Mr. Millionaire. Using public funds for your campaign.

Don't worry the FAMLI leave program is a fee not a tax so it is safe. Sneaky little trick the Democrats use to get around TABOR.

Still want you Democrat legislators?

Warm Regards,
Greg Bush

Executive Committee Member

Eagle County GOP